Woodford Corroboree Recce with Gold Coast Club
Camp with Gold Coast Club at Woodford Showgrounds
Recce weekend to plan our 2024 Corroboree tracks.
Visitors Welcome
We are booking powered and un-powered sites.
Dinner Saturday Night at the Pub 6pm????????
Powered : Single $20 / Couple $25 per night
Un-powered: Single $15 / Couple $20 per night
Additional person $5 Under 10yrs Free
When you get to the show grounds you need to pay at the caretakers before setting up.
When you go through the gate take the second left and the care taker is near the arena where the flags are Look for two storey house. We are camping down at the stables Near Number 12 on the attached map
Trip Leaders Jim & Karen: 0458295325 Nigel & Danielle 0421 926 679
Yes we can have a fire if its off the ground so Bring a bag of firewood
Over the weekend as well as socialising we will be doing a number of different recces in preparation for our two clubs to host the 2024 Corroboree in Oct.
There will be Blue, Black and Double Black trips. There are GPS files available to help members find their way with the aim to see if these tracks are suitably graded.
New members the Corroboree is an annual gathering of the associated clubs which is hosted each year by one of the clubs.
The event is held over the October Kings Birthday Weekend.
The club has a no-pet policy on club events as stated in our By-Laws.
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